What's New and Improved in CUPA-HR Salary Surveys?
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PDFOctober 20, 2016 CUPA HR Slides.pdf
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Find out what’s made CUPA-HR salary survey data the platinum standard in higher ed salary benchmarking for the past 50 years, and hear about what’s new and improved for 2017 salary surveys such as incumbent-level reporting as well as the collection of turnover rates, diversity data and exempt status.  

During this webinar, you’ll learn about:

  • Data validation checks that make CUPA-HR salary data the most reliable available;
  • Collection procedures that ensure institutions maintain anonymity; and
  • What sets CUPA-HR faculty salary data apart from other providers.

You’ll also find out how your institution can provide data for CUPA-HR surveys to receive deep discounts on the purchase of data and ensure valuable compensation comparisons.

CUPA-HR salary surveys open for data collection on Tuesday, October 25, 2016.

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
October 20, 2016